Fluid has several extension points that developers (and power users) can leverage.
Bookmarklets. Fluid Apps feature a handy Bookmark Bar UI similar to Safari and other browsers. Not surprisingly, Bookmarklets can be placed in the Bookmark Bar for basic scripting features.
Userscripting. Fluid Apps come with Userscripting built-in. No SMBL Plug-ins (or any other type of Plug-in) are used or required. You can manage your Fluid App's Userscripts via the Main Menu: Window → Userscripts.
Userstyles. Fluid Apps come with Userstyles also built-in. You can manage your Fluid App's Userstyles via the Main Menu: Window → Userstyles.
JavaScript Drag and Drop API for Local Files. WebKit includes a very capable JavaScript Drag and Drop API, and of course, Fluid benefits from this as well. Both webapp developers and Fluid App users (via Userscripts) can utilize this API to accept drag and drop events from local files.
Fluid JavaScript API. Fluid Apps automatically include some additional JavaScript APIs in all browser windows that can be accessed by either webapp developers via remote scripts or Fluid users via Userscripts. This API is very similar in nature to the window.widget API from Dashboard Widgets. The JS API available is listed below:
window.fluid.dockBadge = "10"
window.fluid.requestUserAttention() // bounce Dock icon
window.fluid.beep() // sounds system beep
window.fluid.playSound("Basso") // plays system sound if name is valid