Fluid Changelog
Fluidapp.com Home
Fluid 2.1.2
- FIX: Clicking a Bookmark in the Bookmarks bar opens the link in the current tab.
Fluid 2.1.1
- FIX: Improved full screen support.
- NEW: Return of the "Open Link in Default Browser" context menu item when clicking on web links.
- NEW: Return of support for Fluid Apps to load and display local HTML files.
Fluid 2.1
- NEW: Support for Mojave Dark Mode.
- NEW: Return of "Closing the last window only hides the window" setting (see General Preferences).
- FIX: Improved file download support.
Fluid 2.0.2
- NEW: Return of "Links sent to other applications open in background" setting (see General Preferences).
Fluid 2.0.1
- FIX: Fluid Apps pinned to the Status Bar don't appear in the Dock.
- NEW: Return of ability to receive and open URLs from other applications.
- NEW: Return of persistent zoom levels for each browser tab across launches.
- NEW: Return of Browser Side Panels.
- NEW: Return of Global Keyboard Shortcut (see General Preferences).
- NEW: Return of Window Level settings (see General Preferences).
- NEW: Return of Window Spaces behavior settings (see General Preferences).
- NEW: Return of Menu Items/Keyboard Shortcuts for Web Inspector & Console (see General Preferences).
Fluid 2.0
- NEW: Significant re-write to take advantage of Apple's newer WebKit2 API with process separation.
Fluid 1.8.6
- NEW: Improved support for macOS 10.12 Sierra.
Fluid 1.8.5
- NEW: Improved support for OS X 10.11 El Capitan.
Fluid 1.8.4
- NEW: Improved support for OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
- NEW: Userscripts & Userstyles may now be applied to content in Browsa PlugIn side panels.
- NEW: The URLs from the default search engine (Google) are no longer whitelisted by default.
Fluid 1.8.3
- NEW: Improved support for OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
Fluid 1.8.2
- FIX: Improved support for multiple displays.
- FIX: Improved support for userscripts.
- FIX: Web Page Zoom persists across launches.
- FIX: JavaScript and CSS sytnax highlighting and some code completion features in Userscript and Userstyle editors.
Fluid 1.7.2
- FIX: Support for OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
Fluid 1.7.1
- FIX: Improved behavior of "Find in Page" panel.
Fluid 1.7
- NEW: Improved support for Macs with Retina Display.
- NEW: Much improved, best-in-class browser AppleScript-ability. Lots of AppleScript commands added, including "do JavaScript", "make/close tab", "make/close browser window", "load url", "capture web page", "go back", and many more.
- NEW: Support for WebKit Notifications and Notification Center on Mountain Lion (You must recreate your Fluid App from Fluid 1.7 for this to work, however).
- NEW: Now you can optionally use URL Regular Expressions anywhere you can use URL Wildcard Patterns (Whitelist Preferences, Userscript and Userstyle URL Patterns, etc.). To use a Regex instead of a Wildcard Pattern, surround the expression in forward slashes like: /*yahoo\.com*/. or /http:\/\/*\.daringfireball\.(com|net)\/?*/
- NEW: JavaScript and CSS syntax highlighting for Userscripts and Userstyles.
- NEW: Option for "Links sent from other apps opens in current tab" in Behavior Preferences.
Fluid 1.6.1
- FIX: Improved Application stability on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.
- FIX: Improved support for sites using HTTP Basic Auth for login.
Fluid 1.6
- FIX: Improved Application stability on Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.
- FIX: Support for printing from JavaScript via window.print().
- FIX: Improved printing support.
- NEW: Print As One Page… command under File menu (hold down the option key) ⌘⎇P.
- NEW: Tab Thumbnail Panel. For viewing thumbnails of open tabs. May be placed in vertical or horizontal split panels or in a drawer. (Hint: you can also Main Menu > View > Hide Tab Bar to hide the traditional tabs.)
- NEW: Improved support for HTML5 history.pushState()
Fluid 1.4
- NEW: Compatibility with GateKeeper on Mac OS X Mountain Lion.
- Improved compatibility with Safari 5.1.7.
- NEW: Middle-mouse-click a tab to close it.
- NEW: Command-option-arrow for next/previous Tab switching.
- NEW: window.fluid JavaScript API: void fluid.requestUserAttention(BOOL critical). Bounces the FluidApp's Dock icon if the app is in the background. The `critical` argument determines if the Dock should bounce once, or until the user activates the FluidApp.
- FIX: window.fluid.showGrowlNotification() JavaScript API: the callback argument now works correctly.
- FIX: Improved Application stability.
Fluid 1.3
Changes in Fluid
- BUGFIX: Able to create FluidApps for iCloud (and other webapps sending enigmatic -999 error).
Changes in Fluid Apps
- NEW FEATURE: ⌘-1, ⌘-2, etc. switch to browser tab index.
- NEW FEATURE: Lion Only: Swipe Left/Right gestures for browser back/forward navigation.
- NEW FEATURE: New window.fluid JavaScript APIs: fluid.applcationPath, fluid.resourcePath, fluid.userscriptPath, fluid.include().
- ENHANCEMENT: Support for HTML5 pushState APIs
- ENHANCEMENT: Support for localStorage APIs
- ENHANCEMENT: Lion FullScreen state now preserved across launches.
- ENHANCEMENT: Better support for Google+.
- ENHANCEMENT: Updated Browser User-Agents.
- BUGFIX: FluidApps pinned to status bar now behave better across different sized displays.
- BUGFIX: Clear History menu item now works.
- BUGFIX: FullScreen keyboard shortcut should be ⌃⌘F.
Fluidapp.com Home
Fluid 1.2 July 4, 2011
Changes in Fluid
- ENHANCEMENT: Lion Compatibility.
Changes in Fluid Apps
- ENHANCEMENT: Lion Compatibility.
- ENHANCEMENT: Support for Lion Full Screen mode. This feature is available for Licensed Users only.
- ENHANCEMENT: New URL Handlers Preference Pane.
- BUGFIX: Fix for issue where Fluid Apps designated as your default email application could experience an infinite loop when handling mailto: URLs.
Fluidapp.com Home
Fluid 1.1 June 23, 2011
Changes in Fluid
- BUGFIX: Fluid shows an Error message when an invalid URL is used.
Changes in Fluid Apps
- ENHANCEMENT: One-click install of Userscripts.
- ENHANCEMENT: Option-clicking a tab closes all OTHER tabs as it does in Safari.
- ENHANCEMENT: Double-clicking on the tab bar to opens a new tab.
- ENHANCEMENT: Fluid Apps which are Pinned To the Status Bar now appear (show their main window) immediately on launch.
- BUGFIX: Google Reader Fluid Apps no longer spawn a blank tab or window before deferring to the default system web browser.
- BUGFIX: When loading <embed>s, <object>s (like videos) or <iframe>s Fluid Apps now attempts to never check their URLs against the Whitelist.
- BUGFIX: Fixed bug where "Warn before closing multiple pages" was not respected when Quitting a Fluid App.
- BUGFIX: Initial window location for Fluid Apps pinned to the Status Bar is more sane.
- BUGFIX: Global shortcut key now works correctly for Fluid Apps pinned to the Status Bar.
- BUGFIX: Growl Notifications triggered by `window.fluid.showGrowlNotification()` now default to showing the correct application icon.
- BUGFIX: Webpages which match multiple Userscripts or Userstyles now execute all matching Userscripts or Userstyles (rather than just one).
- BUGFIX: Fix for bug where a Fluid App with the "Sites spawning new windows opens new tabs instead" preference disabled would erroneously always open the homepage URL in new windows.
- BUGFIX: Links to the Mac App Store are now properly handled.
- BUGFIX: Fix for issue where typing Command-L (⌘L) when the Toolbar was hidden would cause strange window behavior.
Fluid 1.0 April 30, 2011
Fluid 1.0 is a complete rewrite. Previous versions of Fluid and SSBs created from previous versions of Fluid cannot be upgraded to Fluid 1.0. To create Fluid Apps from Fluid 1.0, you will need to download the new version and create new Fluid Apps. This is a one-time change-over to a new codebase.
Fluid 1.0 remains a free application. However, you can now purchase a Fluid License for $4.99 which will unlock the following features:
- Create Fluid Apps with Separate Cookie Storage. (Preferences → Security → Cookie Storage)
- Pin Fluid Apps to the Mac OS X Status Bar. (Main Menu → Fluid App Menu → Pin to Status Bar…)
- Use Userscripts or Userstyles in your Fluid Apps. (Main Menu → Window → Userscripts)